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How to use the Stock Market

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How to use the Stock Market Empty How to use the Stock Market

Post  Roland Sun 27 Jun 2010, 10:51 pm

The Stock Market rocks

First off, use it as a bank. You keep depositing food and gold from raids and conquers into the market between the 30 and 59 minute of every hour. Stock pile millions at a time and don't waste the resources from upkeep.

To withdraw food or gold you need to wait 24 hours from the last deposit. Say you deposit 9 million gold on monday at 5:30 pm, you cant pull any gold out til tuesday at 5:30 pm. This goes for all resources, items, and troops.

Now its time to look at the markets

Say you want to buy reapers on the market. You click on the troops tab, then scroll down to reapers. Inside you will see two graphs. The top yellow line graph shows price paid for reapers per hour, and the green bar graph shows the quantity sold per hour.

You type in how much you want to pay for 1 reaper in the price box (for reapers its around .07 or .08), in the amount box you put in how many you want to buy. Once this is done you hit the buy button. Every half hour the market reopens and you can check under orders to see if your deal has been completed. It will say done on the order.

I like to use the market as my bank and to buy fallen. I pay around .06 per for 1000 fallen.

You can use the market to move troops.

If you have two cities that are far from each other and you cant spend the upkeep to move them, you can deposit them in the market from one city and then withdraw them from the market in another city 24 hours later.

Thats it for now. Play around with it, deposit some gems and check it during the second half of the hour.


Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-05-30

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