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General Rebel's Group Discussion

master rahl
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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Mon 07 Jun 2010, 9:03 am

nice snake, couldnt have said it better myself, we have a few changes to our group, regulator blue has been booted out of the alliance completly for failure to communicate at all, snake and rahl have been upgraded to captains, congrats guys, with they way they were accelerating rep, they both deserved the upgrades, if you need something feel free to ask them, if they dont know, we will all work on something to get you through. myself an snake are tryin to discuss a way to accelerate communication for the group. will keep u all posted..... also theres a reward for a name for our team, we cant let the other teams bet us with team names, lol alittle friendly compeititon haha.


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's...

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Mon 07 Jun 2010, 4:10 pm

Maybe we can be called "Black OPS"...LOL...just a thought. In regards to communication, please check the main alliance chat room in the game for further instructions.

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Wed 09 Jun 2010, 9:22 am

Black ops is good, but I believe in the power in team votes, I have asked sylis to update team lists, if u know ur on this team I still need u to post an be active, we were doing good, but since I sent mass amounts of troops out the only people I hear from is rahl an snake, so as far as I know we r all that's left, as I said in the game chat, I've been out of the game, but ill be back in it tommorow. We r a team here people we might not agree on things but its still a game but its a game about structure an rank, so its my only request of my team to post here, snake an rahl I believe r also in a posisition to help u a?so if I am not around they r my captains, they r in charge to help u if they can. An if I'm unreachable it is there job to go to other leaders for help,

We split into teams so we can be self dependent, tommorow I will be posting troop details, an as far as this rumor about 10 mill widows vs a county anyone see proof of it? Nite all


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  goonies127 Wed 09 Jun 2010, 12:21 pm

I like BLACK OPS..hahaha..sorry I haven't been on the forum..just been busy..I have been lvling up 60k now..what should I attack next?Im currently on blk widows(innumerable)..


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's...

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Wed 09 Jun 2010, 4:21 pm

Hey Goonie, that depends what r u working with? For innumerable mob, black widows give u the most Rep. Its good to know what troops I have though, then we can see how far up can u raid. What is ur siege attack level?

Everyone please upgrade ur siege attack levels. We have ballistas that can be passed around to help u capture Reapers.

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  master rahl Wed 09 Jun 2010, 5:47 pm

Hey guys anyone is rebels group have any questions or needs anything at all, hit me up and we will make it happen. Rebel may not be available all the time.
master rahl
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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Wed 09 Jun 2010, 10:17 pm

thats what i like to see, my captains trying to help the rest out, thanks guys, captains, i need a troop count at ur earlyest convience, i have the alliance chat now, cant make it work on my phone, but its on my computer, an since im alittle laid up, im not moving far from it. but i need those counts so we can figure out where were at, and if i need to send u anything to help u get going, rahl ur moving up fast, if u have any extra when u run out of health, get with snake, lets get his rep up to a mill also, once ur both aroud a mill rep, then its time to take on our lower level team mates, and lets see thats 2 votes for black ops, keep me posted guys


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's...

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Thu 10 Jun 2010, 5:53 am

All members with Rep lower then 1mil get with me or Rahl, it is our mission and goal to get you to our levels. If u pass me it will make me feel accomplished, not threatened at all.

We do need you to focus on upgrading your Piercing attack, Brunt attack as well...but mainly please upgrade your PIERCING ATTACK!!!

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Thu 10 Jun 2010, 9:36 am

attention all members of as of right now black ops, snake eyes has been promoted to team colonel. he is 2nd in charge of this group, even tho this is a game, this is a military style game, with ranks, and promotions, and units, an so on, so now you have a general, a colonel and a captain, our comand structure is in tact. we should be getting notice of team member changes tommorow, all members to my group, i have talked iwth the other generals, this game, and the way we r going to play this game, is going to be a learning experence, so that you can help other members when they come on board, i will not think twice about removing you from our alliance if you do not particpate in the alliance rules, they are simple, READ THE FORUMS, SIGN UP ON FORUMS SO YOU CAN GET NOTIFICATION OF NEW ANNOUCEMENTS, we have now addapted a caht system thanks to snake, our first general chat was very successful. if you have an idea to make our team, our alliance better, speak it. i work on ideas. so heres whats going to happen, if you are a low ranked member, under 16k rep, you will recived enough troops to help you achieve 16k rep. AFTER you post all your stats, TROOP COUNTS, BUILDING UPDATES, AND TECH COUNTS. if your serious bout playing, we need this info. we want to get you going. if your not willing to do the little amount of effort to update us on something that small, then you dont get troops, this has been discussed with other generals, if i tell you no on troops, dont go to antoher general and ask for troops, it will not happen

colonel and captain, this is my requriements of you, i need troop updates and tech counts, and building counts, i also need a game plan every day i will also give you game plans.

thankyou, i shale now retire my soap box for the night. if you need anything, ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask ask. be active, have fun. if you read this, please send a repy with something simple, just so i know its getting though to people, like signing a memo board at work, ill think bout doing that, setting up a team memo board


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's...

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Thu 10 Jun 2010, 4:12 pm

I'm honored to be your Colonel, now more then ever I ask our team to get with me if u need to Rep up. But just like our General said, we NEED your troop and tech info. This is not to micro manage, but to give us an idea on what u need help with. The higher ur techs, the higher monsters u can attack, which means the more Rep you'll get.

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Thu 10 Jun 2010, 9:45 pm

listen up people, i have now started chat group for just us, it is pe revolution black ops. you should all have read how to download the program palringo, if you dont, get with me or snake, i have only been in contact with 2 of you today, emorie, and snake, i need ot hear from the rest of u


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  master rahl Fri 11 Jun 2010, 7:06 am

Can we see an updated list of our team, unless u posted it already and I'm missing it............... that would be helpful thanks.
master rahl
master rahl

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Fri 11 Jun 2010, 7:08 am

As soon as a member list is finished it will be posted.


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Sun 13 Jun 2010, 8:56 pm

snake, we need to discuss, you need to message me when u see this, wheres my lizards? lol


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebele's...

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Mon 14 Jun 2010, 7:19 pm

I think u have them

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Mon 14 Jun 2010, 7:22 pm

i do lol, Ok people here is our team list list.
Maser rahl, Goonies127, SnakeEyes5150, Cirrus, Educator, Joker1225, pilpher. i am in the process of messaging u all right now, once you get on here to check this forum, post a message letting me know that youve read our entire team discussion. i will not tolorate members not reading forums, we use them daily, we use palringo daily, if you do not use these to talk with the group, you will not be given assistance. thankyou

Last edited by GeneralRebel322 on Tue 22 Jun 2010, 8:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty New Assignments

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Mon 14 Jun 2010, 7:29 pm

I'm checking in...can't wait to start working with all of our team members.

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty chicky check check

Post  master rahl Mon 14 Jun 2010, 11:03 pm

Just chickity checkin in! Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhh...
master rahl
master rahl

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Tue 22 Jun 2010, 8:40 pm

attention all members of black ops. i have assigned snake eyes with the job of contacting all members to try to get us on track. i have been out of the game for alittle while, but i will be back in it soon, i need all of you to be active, and post in this forum, this is our main way of communication, also palringo, need to download it, get with snake on the details, or go though an read in the forums, it is the goal of all members to be active an communicate, gain rep, build your armys. thanks


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's...

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Tue 22 Jun 2010, 8:46 pm

Thanks Rebel, listen guys we need to step it up and start working more together. U guys need to get in contact with me in here, Palringo, or in the game...send me a direct message to check in with me. Our General is going through some challenges right now, so I need to try and fill in his shoes for a bit. Help us to help you! Communicate with me ASAP!!!

Thank You!

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  hung li Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:32 am

i recently moved to 657,731 right smack in the middle of everything. Will i still be able to build a storage city in an open area? Also although I'm at level 10 my rep is at 2838 and need help to get to 10k. I'm still fairly new to this but I'm reading all the posts to get a better grasp on what to do.

hung li

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty building a 2nd city

Post  hung li Fri 25 Jun 2010, 12:43 am

When I build a 2nd city do I send all of troops to start building or is there a min. i can use to start building?

hung li

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Hey

Post  Snake Eyes 5150 Fri 25 Jun 2010, 3:04 am

U only need anough troops to carry 10k total troops.

Snake Eyes 5150

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty sun city

Post  hung li Sat 26 Jun 2010, 12:39 am

the name of my city 657,731 and my armory is at 657,734

hung li

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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

Post  GeneralRebel322 Sun 27 Jun 2010, 4:53 am

hung li, please go read the stragtory section, it will guide u in how to make a new city, and things like that, and answer more questions u may have. everyone i will be online all day tommorow, it is my hope to be able to get in touch with all of you tommorow. thanks


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General Rebel's Group Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: General Rebel's Group Discussion

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